The HCOP oversees the enacting and fulfilment of
the objectives set forth in the full text of the OP, in order to analyse the
implementation trajectory regarding the interim targets to be achieved in 2018
and at the end of the programming period, seeking in this way to align strategies
and performance guidelines throughout its implementation.
For this purpose it brings about a set of tools
for regular monitoring of the HCOP deployment, with emphasis on the annual
implementation reports required from 2016, in accordance with applicable EU and
national regulations, which can be accessed on this page as soon as they are
approved by its Monitoring Committee.
The monitoring of HCOP is an integral part of
the Portugal 2020 Monitoring System, which analyses if the implementation of the
Programmes is being carried out as predicted, identifying the critical points
and deviations affecting the expected results, to allow timely management
corrections. To this purpose, the Agency for Development and Cohesion (AD &
C) makes available, on a quarterly basis, the European Union Funds Bulletin at
the Portugal 2020 portal.
In the scope of the monitoring system for
Portugal 2020, the European Union Funds Annual Report is also made available, to accurately convey both the levels of
financial implementation and the progress made towards the desired results, taking
into account the socio-economic contexts in which the supported interventions
are focused upon.
Check the European Union website on the European Structural and Investment Funds, where you can find information on the application of these Funds in different Member States, including Portugal.
Execution Reports of HCOP
Member States are required to submit to the European Commission an annual report on the implementation of each Operational Program in the previous financial year - as well as a final report, pursuant to Article 50 of Regulation (EU) No 1303 / 2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 December - from 2016 until 2023 inclusive. The reports in question shall be subject to review and approval by the Program Monitoring Committee in accordance with Article 49 of Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013, of 17 December, and shall respect a structure and dimension agreed for all the Member States and which varies according to the years to which they report, in accordance with the model defined in the European Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 2015/207, of 20 January 2015.
The annual implementation reports allow the presentation of the main aspects related to the implementation of the Program during the period covered by each report, including how its priorities, strategic objectives and targets are being pursued, based mainly on financial data, indicators and specific indicators established for the program. In addition to these elements, the annual implementation reports address the progress achieved in achieving the program's objectives, identify the actions taken to achieve those objectives, evaluate the implementation of actions that implement the horizontal principles of gender equality, and discrimination, as well as the principle of partnership, as well as the state of implementation of its evaluation plan and its communication strategy.
Execution Report (ER) of 2015
Summary for the citizens ! ER 2015
Execution Report (ER) of 2016
Summary for the citizens 2016 ! ER 2016
Execution Report (ER) of 2017
Summary for the citizens 2017 ! ER 2017
Execution Report (ER) of 2018
Summary for the citizens2018 | ER 2018
HCOP Informative Bulletin
The publication of the HCOP Informative Bulletin intends to provide quarterly information on the achievements and results of the investment in the training of people supported by the Operational Human Capital Program. The information reported in the Bulletin refers to the implementation of the program analyzed by priority axis and complemented by success stories that illustrate, from the perspective of the beneficiaries, the importance of the application of the funds and the ESF in particular. The bulletin also presents the state of play in relation to the specific performance and outcome indicators that the Program has contracted, as well as the dynamics associated with the implementation of the HCOP Evaluation Plan.
The bulletin will be made available online, complementing the more global information also published quarterly on Portugal 2020 and which naturally covers HCOP under the EU Funds Bulletin published by AD&C.
Informative Bulletin of HCOP | 1ª Edition
Informative Bulletin of HCOP | 2ª Edition
Informative Bulletin of HCOP | 3ª Edition
Informative Bulletin of HCOP | 4ª Edition
Informative Bulletin of HCOP | 5ª Edition
Informative Bulletin of HCOP | 6ª Edition
Informative Bulletin of HCOP | 7ª Edition
Informative Bulletin of HCOP | 8th Edition
Informative Bulletin of HCOP | 9th Edition
Informative Bulletin of HCOP | 10th Edition
Informative Bulletin of HCOP | 11th Edition